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Learning Journey

Agenda setting and Closing the loop

Students take a chance to make choice and voice them with this process of setting the daily agenda for the sessions. Their likings and interests are taken into the considerations when then they share their opinions for setting the daily Agenda.

Reflecting on the specific day and its learning outcomes becomes an important part of a student’s and teacher’s life. Closing the loop is one such process allows each one to reflect and recollect the Bright spots and Hot spots of the day and sessions. It makes a teacher understand the things which went well, her preparations and planning etc.


Conglom is a word derived from the original word Conglomerate which means come together and have some activity for fun and learning purpose. Conglom consists two ways; Teacher led and Student led Conglom. Teacher plan the activity focusing on the emotional, social, cognitive, spiritual and physical aspects.

MLV- Making Learning Visible

Students showcase their learning outcomes of various beacons for the specific period of time or a term through this wonderful process of MLV- Making learning visible. They select the LOLs of their choice to make this process more lively and impressive one. Here they get a platform to explore their talent of anchoring, singing, making fine presentations, preparing vivid models using clay, mix media material etc. It also boosts their level of confidence and improves their communications within the community.

Zero- Period

It is always preferable ‘to go back to go ahead’, this is the one fine objective behind having a Zero- Period as a process in our day to day practices. It allows the teacher to take a pause, recall, recollect and revisit the learning journey of the beacons to understand the content clarity, struggles and queries of the students.


The word fun plus understanding itself suggests the significance of the process called fun understanding. This wonderful process facilitates the students to showcase their understanding of different topics they have learned through various beacons. They make use of all possible ways to make their program more interesting and a jolly one. This process in mainly set for the smaller grades.

Buddy Interactions and Cross Class

We believe students are more comfortable with their peers and buddies for sharing their doubts and other emotions. They feel ease when have their elder buddies around to open up the best moments of their lives freely and express their struggles and doubts frankly. They share content part, worksheets, fun activities and lot many things including theirpersonal profiles and sort of information.

Both of these processes namely Buddy interactions and cross class bridges the gap of the ages and inculcates the values of sharing, caring, respecting, accountability, team work and work in peer etc.

Assembly Performance

This is the most revised form of a general assembly protocol of a school. The newness of this process is, the students of a specific grade make use of a special occasion or an event to present an assembly performance utilizing different ways like speeches, songs, poems, dance performance, sharing facts, G.K. etc. and leaves the audience in a surprise. It gives a stage for the student artists and creativity that lies in each student.

Nature Walk

‘Nature is the best teacher’, and students often learn through the strong observations of the things they happen to observe around them. We make them observe the things in nature by arranging a Nature walk fortnightly in order to clear the concepts through giving them a real experience of a place, thing or a visit etc. It does not merely clear the concepts but removes the emotional blockages and stress within their minds. Students have fun and develops a strong emotional bond with the school.


 Students learn about the different social issues around them by actually experiencing them, feeling and imagining how the problems can be solved and working on it in groups, and lastly sharing it with the society.

Coffee at Amrutvahini

The students take an appointment of any renowned local personality.The children divide themselves in different committees. The students have an healthy interaction and get to know about his work and achievements and finally they end this conversation by offering a cup of coffee which is prepared by them.

Home visits

We set the tone of the year by doing home visits.
The homeroom teacher along with the coteacher takes the appointment of the students along with the day and time.
The teachers keep the quesionier ready before the home visits.They have a healthy discussion which is related to the daily routine, the sleeping habits, his hobbies, study time ,TV time and yes of course the teachers also get to know the family background.One of the teacher’s also have a friendly talk with the child ,his study room, which definitely helps to create a strong bond with the teachers and also helps the child and the parents to feel comfortable.

IPM (Individual Parents Meeting)

This is a process wherein the parents are called in the school with prior appointment. A 20 minutes time is devoted to each child . The first 15 minutes with the parents and last 5 minutes with the student.

We celebrate the child by sharing all the positive things and  growth of the child. We share this by showing  actual  evidences of his work through checkpoint papers, notebooks and other creative work of the student.
If the student is struggling in any area ,stretegies are suggested by the teachers.But it is purely the time where we celebrate the child.

Parent Partnership

The parents also play a very important role in the lives of the children.They are in fact one of the pillors of the school and their involvement in the school is a must.
During the home visits we get to know the parents and about their strengths and the areas where they are very good at.
Once we get to know their strengths, we do invite the parents to school by taking their appointments.They conduct sessions in the class and deliver the topic.
In this way the student also feels proud that his parents have conducted a session with the class and also helps to strengthen the bond.

Expert Intervention

This is a process where we invite an expert to the class. After any topic or a concept being taught, the children do have some queries or they need a more concept clarity .In such cases an expert is the best solution to reach the students.

The students keep their queries ready and ask the expert who clears their doubts and also add value to their knowledge.

SLC (Student led Conference)

This process is conducted at the end of the academic year.
Unlike other schools we don’t have Open House day. Here, instead of the homeroom teacher sharing the result with the parents, it is the student who sits with his parents and shares his portfolio file where he share his growth right from the first month of the academic year to the last month. The child as an individual and the parents get a vivid idea about the overall performance of the child.

AIR(Artist In Residence)

It is one of the favorite process enjoyed by the students.
Here an Artist visits the school and stays with the students for 10 days.
Before the arrival of the artist the students write an application to the teacher ,for the committee they wish to be a part of.After facing the interviews they are divided into different committees. There is the script, acting, costume, prop,music and dance,light and sound committee.The students perform the final execution on the eleventh day.
Thus under the valuable guidance of the artist the different skills of the students are honed and it also gives them a platform which helps them to build their confidence and stage daring.

Peer and Public Scrutiny

This is one of the processes where the child steps out of his comfort zone and faces his classmates or peers or  an audience , rather than his own teachers.
After teaching any topic or concept, the students are divided in smaller groups and they are scrutinized by the classmates or peers or an unfamiliar audience.
This helps to boost the confidence level and daring in a child.


Thinking routine

Students need skills that are applicable in different real life situations ,so that when they encounter a conflict, dilemma or problem , they are capable of strategizing their thinking to find a solution.
The explicit understanding of thinking empowers students with the confidence to deal with problems independently.


Reflection is the process where we take pause, recollect, review, drive meaning from experience and define the next step. Reflection helps to make visible what experience and learning moments students valued, enjoyed were unhappy with and were angry about.
Reflection allows a teachers to see what they have done right and what they have done wrong


Individuals retain different memories of the same experience depending on their iclination,prior experience and mindsets,Similarly in school,students experience the same unit of learning in different ways.revisiting makes it possible for them to become familiar with and strengthen the details of their individual journey while aligning themselves to the big ideas and concepts.

Authentic learning

Learning is not restricted to the course of books.
Learning can happen through authentic material, learning language, math and all other subjects through authentic material help students to make connections to the real world.
Authentic learning is an approach that focuses on real-world situations to gain new knowledge and skill in context rather than listening to lectures and memorizing information

Open House

Enabling the parents with strategies for academic growth.